
Premium Benefits:

  1. Reach maximum voters in less time
  2. Inform maximum voters about you, all info & your profile
  3. Reach voter’s mobile through app, personally.
  4. Election Management Software System
  5. Manage voters, team in better way.
  6. Utilize resources efficiently & effectively.
  7. Reduce cost & indirect expenses
  8. Increase reach & voters
  9. Search voter anytime, anywhere in app.
  10. Quickly communicate to voters via SMS, voice calls.
  11. Send SMS in marathi to many people in 1 click.
  12. Talk to thousands of people in 1 click via voice calls.
  13. Provide all info like photos, videos, audio etc at one location
  14. Be in touch with voters for effective communication
  15. Reach maximum people via social network.
  16. Increase likes to your FB page.
  17. See whole prabhaag area in Map with Booths, major area etc.
  18. Easy to operate, use & implement
  19. Reach voters according to age, gender separately.
  20. Prabhaag Analysis - Helps to take decision in winning election
  21. Get consultancy from technical experts, analysts
  22. Get technical support for professional work
  23. Automate routine activities
  24. Manage voters at one location.
  25. Provide specific access to specific people.
  26. Engage voters for motivation, info about you.
  27. Maintain expenses, payment distribution separately.
  28. Avoid duplicate voter